Have you been released from prison or been sentenced to a community disposal?

Getting what’s needed for a job?
Paying for vocational courses?
Buying essential clothes?
Paying towards basic household items?
We may be able to give you a grant – ask your Probation Practitioner

About The
Inside Out Trust
Rehabilitating Offenders. Reducing Crime.

The Trust provides financial assistance by way of grants or emergency cash payments to people under the supervision of the Probation Service.

We provide financial assistance for anything from basic clothing to securing accommodation or meeting the cost of getting back into work. The Trust can help fund training courses, clothing for interviews or basic equipment for the workplace. Urgent requests for bedding, basic clothing, furniture or white goods are also considered.

TIOT provides Probation offices with an emergency fund for those in immediate need.

We will not consider applications for payment of rates, taxes or fines.

An Offender Manager must complete a TIOT application form and send it to the Treasurer. The Trustees aim to respond quickly and in good time to help the applicant.
Our Purpose
The Inside Out Trust is a registered charity established to provide targeted financial support to People on Probation. Established in 1982, the charity aims to support the rehabilitation of offenders and reduce crime by helping to alleviate poverty and hardship. We support those on licence or under a community disposal.
How we operate
We believe that by funding essential needs after an offender has passed through the gates of a prison or is struggling to rehabilitate whilst keeping to the conditions of his or her licence helps prevent the ‘revolving door’ scenario where an offender continues to reoffend simply to meet their economic needs.
Our approach is two-pronged – initial help after leaving prison and/or help with accommodation, access to education or employment, if the offender is struggling to find work or a stable environment in which to live. This is support which is not readily available through other routes.
Grants can make a meaningful difference. Applications are routed through Probation Officers and assessed by Trustees, who aim to make a decision within 24 hours. Grants are paid through the offender’s probation officer by bank transfer, never to an offender direct. All funding applications are signed off by a Senior Probation Officer and there is an audit to ensure that the funds awarded are spent in accordance with the claim.
How can you support us?
As a small charity, The Inside Out Trust relies on the financial support of sympathetic Charitable Trusts and other donations to be able to support offenders. We are truly grateful for any support, and operating without administrative overheads, will ensure that every pound is spent to support offenders, and help break the cycle of reoffending.
If you are interested in finding out more about how we operate or how you can support us please contact us at info@theinsideouttrust.org
How we are governed
The Inside Out Trust operates with a Board of 12 Trustee volunteers, who share a passion for improving the life chances of offenders and their families, and reducing the impact of the circle of reoffending on the community. Trustees have varied backgrounds and are led by an experienced Chair.

Registered Charity No: 285886
Supported by: Berkshire Community Foundation; Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley; Louis Baylis (Maidenhead Advertiser) Charitable Trust
Contact: info@theinsideouttrust.org
THE INSIDE OUT TRUST — giving back freedom
The Inside Out Trust is a charity registered in England.
Registration number 285886, registered address 15 Shepherds Way, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 6AJ.